

                                  CENTER FOR DEMOCRATIC DEVELOPMENT (CDD) THE PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT MEETING ON THE GHANA CITIES MONITOR     PROJECT Background The Center for Democratic Development (CDD) is an independent, not-for profit research and advocacy think tank, working to advance democracy, good governance, and inclusive economic growth. Some African cities including Ghana is said to be failing in serving as catalyst for economic and sustainable development growth. Over the past decade till now, some African urban population growth is on the rise and said to be living in crisis. This crisis include; air pollution, disaster, poor housing, overcrowding and health implications, as a consequence of the inability of city authority to provide these services and socio-economic transformation. This was experienced when COVID 1...


  CAPPA – Virtual Meeting on Exposing the Impacts of the TNOCs in the Frontline Communities of Africa The Corporate Accountability Public Participation Africa (CAPPA) held a virtual meeting for partners to showcase their findings on the impacts of the Trans-National Oil Corporations in the frontline communities like Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda and Gambia. This took place on September 27, 2023. During the welcome address, Akindode Olu Wafemi from Nigeria expressed gratitude for the extensive involvement of partners on providing the findings of the activities of the TNOCs. He explained that, the voices of the communities have not been properly highlighted making their plight unheard and neglected. For that reason, there was the need for advocates to escalates and highlights the voices and plights of these community members on government policies that have not initially been protecting them; and to also ensure that their loss and damages are at the core and heart to be redress...

World Health Organization 75th Anniversary

                           World Health Organization 75 th Anniversary – Walk the Talk Introduction The World Health Organization (WHO) is the United Nations agency that works worldwide to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable. As part of their production, they celebrated their 75 th anniversary on April 7, 2023. This was a year-long celebration on the theme “Health for All,’’ and the main aim of the celebration was to continue to protect people from diseases and destructions, including smallpox eradication, reducing the incidence of polio by 99%, in order to be able to save millions of lives through childhood immunization, declines in maternal mortality and improve on health and well-being for millions more.   In promoting health globally, the WHO collaborated with partners to organize the “Walk the Talk’’ event on September ...

Healthy Diets for Healthier lives Project

Civil Society Organizations Engagement Meeting on Healthier Diets for Healthy Lives Project (HD4HL) Background The Vision for Alternative Development (VALD-Ghana) and the Ghana Non-Communicable Diseases Alliance (Ghana NCD Alliance) collaborated on a project called Healthier Diets for Healthy Lives (HD4HL), which aims to develop evidence and take action towards a comprehensive policy bundle for healthier consumer food environments in Ghana. The ultimate goal is to reduce the burden of malnutrition and promote equity in access to nutritious food. The project is titled "Developing Evidence and Action Towards a Double-duty Food-Based Policy Bundle to Ensure Healthier Diets in Ghana". Ensuring a healthier diet is crucial for maintaining good health and nutrition, as it helps protect against various chronic and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular issues, obesity, and cancer. It involves consuming a diverse range of foods including whole grains, lean prot...